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Immediate Benefits of Chiropractic Visible on MRI:
Researchers hypothesized that chiropractic adjustments increase gapping between the joints of the vertebrae, which breaks up adhesions...

AMA Recommends Chiropractic Before Resorting to Surgery
In an article written to educate the public about back pain, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has suggested that...

Chiropractic Effective for Tension Headache
With headaches being one of the most common nervous system disorders worldwide, affecting almost 50 percent of the population at least...
Do you get more pain when the weather gets cold and damp? Here is how to fix it..
If you have a few years under your belt or have a few extra miles you know what I mean. Whenever it gets cold, damp, or the barometric...
Survivor Steps Cancer Rehab and Recovery
Survivor Steps is a "Star Certified" Cancer Rehab and Recovery Program sponsered by Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital. I can personally...
Nobody Ever Really Tells You How to Lift "With Your Legs" the Right Way
Back disorders are listed in the “top ten” leading workplace injuries published by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and...
8 Reasons Why Chiropractic is the Best Treatment for Auto Injuries
Millions of people are injured in car crashes each year in the US, and many of these “minor” collisions result in long-term symptoms and...

Recent Study Notes: The Doctor you choose determines how long you hurt
A new study published in January 2015 by Optum Physical Health studied Spine Related Disorders in 37 states. This study was one of the...
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