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Selecting a Patient For Chiropractic Care
Patients who have failed medication trials and/or physical therapy, but still present with musculoskeletal complaints, are often good...

6 Foods That Cause Inflammation
StartFragment Inflammation can be good or bad, depending on the situation. On one hand, it’s your body’s natural way of protecting itself...
Nobody Ever Really Tells You How to Lift "With Your Legs" the Right Way
Back disorders are listed in the “top ten” leading workplace injuries published by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and...

Back pain isn’t just about heavy lifting or sleeping the wrong way. Here, 14 surprising everyday hab
1. You’re Chained to Your Desk Did you know that sitting puts 40% more pressure on your spine than standing? Fix it: Sitting at a...

iPad generation sees huge rise in back and neck pain
The number of young people seeking help for back or neck pain has risen 60 per cent in the past year, driven by sedentary lifestyles and...

Don't Just Sit Less -- Sit Better
Entry Text Sitting is that time in high school when your parents walked in. Sitting is your friend who took the last slice of pizza even...
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