Most pregnant women generally agree on one point – that back pain is definitely a health concern at some point during their pregnancy. In fact, it is estimated that 50 – 80% of all pregnant women experience it in some form.
What can you do to alleviate it during pregnancy? Here are a few completely natural solutions to get started.
1. Exercise to strengthen the muscles in your neck, back and abdomen; try yoga or Pilates. 2. Rest as often as possible; use a body pregnancy pillow to help with additional support. 3. If you sit at a desk job, practice good posture and use a footstool. 4. Watch your weight gain – 25-35 pounds (10-15 kg) is considered fairly normal for a typical pregnancy. 5. Get regular chiropractic adjustments at our practice.
Expecting a bundle of joy soon? Give us a call to schedule your next appointment.