When you are suffering from an unexpected illness or injury, or when you simply require help that pain that won't go away and don't want to wait for an appointment, we are the provider you need. Dr. Gefaller is a board-certified chiropractor and sport's injury specialist, and is equipped to handle a comprehensive range of acute joint and muscle injuries, chronic pain, and general chiropractic services.
​You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide
What do you do when you have a sudden onset of acute back or neck pain?
We have the equipment and experience to handle acute joint and muscle pain in an effective and gentle manner. After a thorough examination of your injury, if you are accepted as a patient, your treatment will be directed towards achieving your goals quickly and efficiently.
Emergency Room?
This is great option when you have had a significant trauma. We can provide the follow up care help your injury heal better, heal faster and work better.
Go to your Primary Doctor?
This is good option to rule out serious disease processes that can create pain. Please be advised that not all medical doctors have the training to accurately diagnose many joint and muscle conditions that we routinely treat. Medication is useful to control pain and inflammation, and in some conditions it should be used before other forms of treatment are attempted. Medical doctors refer to us for gentle and effective follow up treatment to resolve the joint or muscle problem creating your pain.
Physical Therapy?
Physical Therapy is great for rehabilitaton and conditioning, and works great in conjunction with chiropractic treatment.
However "Manual therapy (Chiropractic) scored better than physical therapy on all outcome measures"– Hoving et al (2002), Annals of Internal Medicine
Pain Free
Instrument Assisted Treatment
Unique to chiropractic treatment and technique approaches, SIGMA Instrument Methodsâ„¢ (ProAdjuster, Spineliner) makes use of an advanced technical instrument for both spinal analysis and spinal adjustment. The system is driven by a sophisticated software package, designed to help the practitioner in locating and treating spinal segmental dysfunction and/or fixations.
Graston Technique and Active Release Technique (ART)
for Muscle Injuries
Dr. Gefaller has 21 years experience using ART to treat muscle injuries. ART is very effective in removing muscle adhesions and trigger points allowing for sometimes immediate changes in movement and pain. Dr. Gefaller was selected to join Dr. Leahy (the developer of ART) at the Ironman Triathlon Championships in Hawaii.
Dr. Gefaller is also certified in Graston Technique. Graston Technique is a modification of ART where a tool is used to assist the doctor in removing muscle adhesions and trigger points.
These techniques in conjuction with the Sigma Instrument give Dr. Gefaller many tools in which to tackle your muscle injury - safely, effiently and effectively.
Click on a Logo to find out more
Traditional Hands - On Treatment
Dr. Gefaller, one of the most experienced chiropractors in WNY, having over 35 years expereince using "hands on" manual joint and muscle manipulation. Dr. Gefaller is an expert in gentle treatment and will use very little pressure to change how your joints move. Many times we use manual techniques along with instrument assisted techniques to speed up your recovery time.
Spinal Decompression
We provide spinal decompression for lower back disc injuries using a Flexion - Distraction Table. This technique and table provides safe decompression and traction of the lower back speeding the recovery of disc injuries.
This technique has the same effectiveness as spinal decompression with a DRX-9000 device without the high cost. Flexion-Distraction is also fully covered by your insurance, the DRX-9000 device is not.
Kinesio Taping
Dr. Gefaller is certified by Spider-Tech and KT-Tape - The leaders in Kinesio Taping. Kinesio Tape is different than the while athletic tape you may have used before. It is not used to provide bracing, but stimulates muscles to improve support around an injured area and it can help restore pain-free movement to a joint or muscles. Kinesio Tape can also be used to reduce swelling and bruising after an injury. This will speed your recovery and get you back to doing what you love.